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Find alternative Yoruba

Number of Native speakers: 20
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 21
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 3
Family: Niger-Congo
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO
Number of Native speakers: 18
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 25
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 3
Family: Niger-Congo
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO

Number of Native speakers: 20
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 25
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 23
Family: Indo-European
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO (some VSO)

Number of Native speakers: 19.7
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 21
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 12
Family: Indo-European
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: None

Number of Native speakers: 20
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 60
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.8
No. of Countries Spoken In: 9
Family: Tai-kadai
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO

Number of Native speakers: 17.4
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 22
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 2
Family: Afro-Asiatic
Noun declensions: None (uses affixes)
Sequence: SOV

Number of Native speakers: 20.5
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 38.2
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 3
Family: Indo-European
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: None

Number of Native speakers: 7
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.2
Total Number of Speakers: 21.6
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 6
Family: Austro-Asiatic
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO

Uzbek (Northern)
Number of Native speakers: 18.5
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.4
Total Number of Speakers: 23.5
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 8
Family: Turkic
Noun declensions: Five cases
Sequence: SOV

Akan (Twi)
Number of Native speakers: 7
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.2
Total Number of Speakers: 9.3
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 4
Family: Niger-Congo
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SVO

Number of Native speakers: 22
Native Speakers as % of World: 1
Total Number of Speakers: 32
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.4
No. of Countries Spoken In: 4
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Noun declensions: None
Sequence: SOV
