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Number of Native speakers: 67.7
Native Speakers as % of World: 2
Total Number of Speakers: 73
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 2
Family: Austro-Asiatic
Script(s) Used: ti ng vi t ( )
Subgroup: Mon-Khmer
Number of Native speakers: 66
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 70
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.9
No. of Countries Spoken In: 17
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Script(s) Used: [ ] (gw ngd ngw ) [ ] (yuetyuh)
Subgroup: Chinese

Number of Native speakers: 75.5
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 80
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 4
Family: Austronesian
Script(s) Used: basa Jawa
Subgroup: Malayo-Polynesian

Number of Native speakers: 24.2
Native Speakers as % of World: 1
Total Number of Speakers: 40
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 8
Family: Afro-Asiatic
Script(s) Used: ( awsa)
Subgroup: Chadic

Hsiang (Hunan)
Number of Native speakers: 36
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.8
Total Number of Speakers: 36
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 1
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Script(s) Used:
Subgroup: Chinese

Number of Native speakers: 45
Native Speakers as % of World: 1
Total Number of Speakers: 45
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.6
No. of Countries Spoken In: 2
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Script(s) Used: ; ; j ny
Subgroup: Chinese

Number of Native speakers: 7
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.2
Total Number of Speakers: 21.6
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.3
No. of Countries Spoken In: 6
Family: Austro-Asiatic
Script(s) Used: ks r khm r[
Subgroup: Mon-Khmer

Number of Native speakers: 75
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 78
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 5
Family: Isolate
Script(s) Used: [ ] (han-guk-eo)
Subgroup: None

Number of Native speakers: 66.4
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 74
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 2
Family: Dravidian
Script(s) Used: (telugu)
Subgroup: South-central

Number of Native speakers: 74
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 83
Total Speakers as % of World: 1.1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 27
Family: Turkic
Script(s) Used: T rk e
Subgroup: Southern

Number of Native speakers: 77.2
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.7
Total Number of Speakers: 90
Total Speakers as % of World: 1.2
No. of Countries Spoken In: 1
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Script(s) Used: ; ; W y
Subgroup: Chinese
