Home > World Languages > Telugu > Alternatives

Telugu Alternatives

Number of Native speakers: 66.4
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 74
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 2
Family: Dravidian
Subgroup: South-central
3 Letter Code: tel
Number of Native speakers: 63.1
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 68
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.9
No. of Countries Spoken In: 6
Family: Dravidian
Subgroup: Southern
3 Letter Code: tam

Number of Native speakers: 75
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 78
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 5
Family: Isolate
Subgroup: None
3 Letter Code: kor

Number of Native speakers: 34
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.7
Total Number of Speakers: 35
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 3
Family: Dravidian
Subgroup: Southern
3 Letter Code: mal

Number of Native speakers: 74
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 83
Total Speakers as % of World: 1.1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 27
Family: Turkic
Subgroup: Southern
3 Letter Code: tur

Number of Native speakers: 58
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.3
Total Number of Speakers: 65
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.9
No. of Countries Spoken In: 6
Family: Indo-European
Subgroup: Indo-Aryan
3 Letter Code: urd

Number of Native speakers: 75.5
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.6
Total Number of Speakers: 80
Total Speakers as % of World: 1
No. of Countries Spoken In: 4
Family: Austronesian
Subgroup: Malayo-Polynesian
3 Letter Code: jav

Number of Native speakers: 33.7
Native Speakers as % of World: 0.7
Total Number of Speakers: 60
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.8
No. of Countries Spoken In: 7
Family: Dravidian
Subgroup: Southern
3 Letter Code: kan

Number of Native speakers: 64.8
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 90
Total Speakers as % of World: 1.2
No. of Countries Spoken In: 3
Family: Indo-European
Subgroup: Indo-Aryan
3 Letter Code: mar

Number of Native speakers: 66
Native Speakers as % of World: 1.4
Total Number of Speakers: 70
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.9
No. of Countries Spoken In: 17
Family: Sino-Tibetan
Subgroup: Chinese
3 Letter Code: yue

Number of Native speakers: 44
Native Speakers as % of World: 1
Total Number of Speakers: 46.1
Total Speakers as % of World: 0.6
No. of Countries Spoken In: 20
Family: Indo-European
Subgroup: Indo-Aryan
3 Letter Code: guj
